Bir Unbiased Görünüm C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri

Bir Unbiased Görünüm C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri

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Doğrusu imdi custom bir enumerator klası yazmamıza ister nanay yield keyword'ü ile compiler bunu dal planda bizim ciğerin strüktüryor.

Birli per other answers, the evaluation of the result was deferred until calling ToList or similar invocation methods for example ToArray.

A. We iterate the list in different way, foreach can be used for IEnumerable and while loop for IEnumerator.

To get them I use VisualTreeHelper class. But I have to consider that there might be A LOT OF children so copying to some array or Collection will by expensive. – drasto 5 mins ago

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So the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable is about where the filter logic is executed. One executes on the client side and the other executes on the database.

It is a best practice to implement IEnumerable and IEnumerator on your collection classes to enable the foreach (For Each in Visual Basic) syntax, however implementing IEnumerable is derece required. If your collection C# IStructuralComparable nerelerde kullanılıyor does derece implement IEnumerable, you must still follow the iterator pattern to support this syntax by providing a GetEnumerator method that returns an C# IStructuralComparable Nasıl kullanılır interface, class or struct.

Now what makes IEnumerable really stand out is iterator blocks (the yield C# IStructuralComparable nedir keyword in C#). Iterator blocks implement the IEnumerable interface like a List or an Array, but they're very special because unlike a C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı List or Array, they often only hold the state for a single item at a time. So if you want to loop over the lines in a very large file, for example, you dirilik write an iterator block to handle the file input.

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Ya hoca, onca yazdın çizdin anladıkta iki satır IEnumerable yahut IEnumerator interfacelerini kullanmadın?

IQueryable is faster than IEnumerable if we C# IStructuralComparable Nasıl kullanılır are dealing with huge amounts of data from database because,IQueryable gets only required veri from database where as IEnumerable gets all the data regardless of the necessity from the database

interface’i ise bir sınıfa foreach mekanizması aracılığıyla tanınması ciğerin vacip yetenekleri/nitelikleri kazandırır. şu demek oluyor ki enumerator yapısını… Şimdi elkızı bu dü interface yapısını ayrıntılıca irdeleyerek, nasıl kullanıldıklarına bileğinelim.

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